[Télécharger] First Serverless Application with Python (English Edition) de Takatomo Honda Livres Pdf Epub
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Auteur : Takatomo Honda
Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères
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Langue : Français, Anglais
A serverless application is an application that can be run without a server.Since it starts only when necessary, it has a cost merit in that it only costs as much as it takes to start, it does not go down, and the current application can be used as it is. There are various benefits.The goal of this document is to create and publish the following applications starting from scratch in Python. - "Serverless Blog Application" - "Serverless Bot that automatically collects KPI from the blog application database and records it in Google SpreadSheet every day" - "Serverless Slack Bot that automatically notifies slack of aggregated KPIs every day"By reading this book to the end, the goal is to acquire the ability to create such services.Content1. Introduction2. Completed image of Serverless applications3. Benefits of Serverless Applications4. AWS for Serverless Applications5. Overall structure of the application6. PipEnv Deployment7. Creating a Virtual Environment8. Introduction of Flask9. Introduction to PynamoDB10. Creating the PynamoDB Model11. Creating Views12. Creating a Template13. Creating a static file14. Creating a Login Function15. Creating the Flask Application File16. Creating the Flask Startup File17. Dynamodb Local Deployment18. Creating Scripts19. Verifying if the Application Works Locally20. Creating the AWS IAM21. Use environment variables to switch between development and production environments22. Serverless library zappa deployment23. Creating AWS IAM for zappa24. Creating the zappa config file25. Deploying a Serverless application26. Creating a Serverless bot that records the number of articles in a Google SpreadSheet daily27. Creating a Serverless Slack Bot that automatically posts KPI information every day28. Various functions of zappa29. Closing Chapter
Télécharger First Serverless Application with Python (English Edition) de Takatomo Honda Livres En Ligne
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