[Télécharger] Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division de Amanda Brack,Sky Pony Press Livre PDF Gratuit
Télécharger Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division de Amanda Brack,Sky Pony Press Livre eBook France

Télécharger "Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division" de Amanda Brack,Sky Pony Press Livre eBook France
Auteur : Amanda Brack,Sky Pony Press
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Computers
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Now, for children who love Minecraft, math, multiplication, and division can seem more like a game that schoolwork!This kid-friendly workbook features well-loved video game characters and concepts to reinforce the development of third and fourth grade math skills laid out in the national Common Core State Standards. Colorfully-illustrated puzzles and high-interest word problems use beloved items from the Overworld like diamond swords, suits of armor, zombies, and magical potions to encourage math practice in even the most reluctant of students. The curriculum-based content covered here includes lessons in:Analyzing and comparing geometric shapesUnderstanding fractions and place valueMultiplication and division up to 100And so much more!Skip to the pages that suit your child’s needs and learning style or start at the beginning and advance page by page—it’s up to you! As the workbook progresses, the problems become more challenging so that learners of all levels can enjoy an exciting, skill-building math adventure. Perfect for Minecrafters who learn at all paces, Math for Minecrafters is as fun as it is educational—and is just what your child needs to get ahead academically!
Télécharger Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division de Amanda Brack,Sky Pony Press Livre eBook France
Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication ~ Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division Paperback – July 4, 2017 by Amanda Brack (Illustrator), Sky Pony Press (Contributor) 4.6 out of 5 stars 452 ratings
Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication ~ Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division by Amanda Brack With Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division , learning time feels more like game time! This kid-friendly workbook features well-loved video game characters and concepts to reinforce the development of third and fourth grade math skills laid out in the national Common Core State Standards.
Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication ~ With Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication & Division, learning time feels more like game time! This kid-friendly workbook features well-loved video game characters and concepts to reinforce the development of third and fourth grade math skills laid out in the national Common Core State Standards. Colorfully-illustrated puzzles and high-interest word problems use beloved items .
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Math for Minecrafters: Adventures in Multiplication ~ Now, for children who love Minecraft, math, multiplication, and division can seem more like a game that schoolwork! This kid-friendly workbook features well-loved video game characters and concepts to reinforce the development of third and fourth grade math skills laid out in the national Common Core State Standards. Colorfully-illustrated puzzles and high-interest word problems use beloved .
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