[Télécharger] Google Cloud Platform from the very beginning de Jerry N. P. Pdf Ebook
Télécharger Google Cloud Platform from the very beginning de Jerry N. P. Livres En Ligne

Télécharger "Google Cloud Platform from the very beginning" de Jerry N. P. PDF Ebook En Ligne
Auteur : Jerry N. P.
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Computers
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
This book is an excellent guide for you on how to accomplish various tasks on the Google Cloud Platform. It will help you know the various services provided by the Google Cloud Platform and how you can access and use them. Examples of such services include the Compute Services, Networking Services, Storage and Database Services, Big Data Services, Machine Learning Services and Identity & Security Services. The author helps you know how to manage access to your Google Cloud Platform projects. The process of creating and administering the various types of clusters on the Google Cloud Platform has been discussed. The various forms of storages that one can use on the Google Cloud Platform have also been discussed. The author uses a step-by-step approach to make it easy for your understanding. Screenshots have been added to make each step clear. Table of contents what you'll know: - What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?- Google Cloud Services- Google App Engine- Identity Access Management in Google Cloud- Cluster Administration- Storage Tags: google cloud platform, compute server, networking server, storage server, database services, big data server, machine learning, identity services, security services, gcp, google cloud, creating account, cloud sql, google bigquery, SSDs, cloud DNS, google platform, google cloud, database server hardware, platform strategy.
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