[Télécharger] C++ for Kids: A fun and visual introduction to the fundamental programming language. de John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr. Francais PDF
Télécharger C++ for Kids: A fun and visual introduction to the fundamental programming language. de John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr. Livres En Ligne

Télécharger "C++ for Kids: A fun and visual introduction to the fundamental programming language." de John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr. Pdf Epub
Auteur : John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr.
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Computers
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
It’s never too early to program! Computers aren’t smart. Someone has to tell them what to do. Kids are smart! Get them started right with introductions to arrays, functions, if statements, loops and more with C++ for Kids.
Télécharger C++ for Kids: A fun and visual introduction to the fundamental programming language. de John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr. Pdf Epub
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