[Télécharger] Coding Projects in Python de DK Pdf Ebook
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Télécharger "Coding Projects in Python" de DK Livres Pdf Epub
Auteur : DK
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Computers
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Using fun graphics and easy-to-follow instructions, this straightforward, this visual guide shows young learners how to build their own computer projects using Python, an easy yet powerful free programming language available for download.Perfect for kids ages 10 and over who are ready to take a second step after Scratch, Coding Projects in Python teaches kids how to build amazing graphics, fun games, and useful apps. All they need is a desktop or laptop, and an Internet connection to download Python 3.Step-by-step instructions teach essential coding basics like loops and conditionals, and outline 14 fun and exciting projects, including a script that cracks secret codes, a quiz to challenge family and friends, a matching game, and much more. When they are feeling more confident, kids can think creatively and use the tips and tricks provided to personalize and adapt each project.The simple, logical steps in Coding Projects in Python are fully illustrated with fun pixel art and build on the basics of coding, so kids can have the skills to build whatever kind of project they can dream up.Supporting STEM education initiatives, computer coding teaches kids how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically, and is quickly becoming a necessary and sought-after skill. DK's computer coding books are full of fun exercises with step-by-step guidance, making them the perfect introductory tools for building vital skills in computer programming.
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